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Results (36198)

Title Dates covered Burial numbers
23061. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 041 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 041 06/06/1910 - 07/06/1910 310521 - 310533
23062. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 042 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 042 07/06/1910 - 09/06/1910 310534 - 310546
23063. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 043 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 043 09/06/1910 - 11/06/1910 310547 - 310559
23064. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 044 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 044 11/06/1910 - 14/06/1910 310560 - 310572
23065. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 045 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 045 14/06/1910 - 16/06/1910 310573 - 310585
23066. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 046 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 046 16/06/1910 - 18/06/1910 310586 - 310598
23067. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 047 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 047 18/06/1910 - 20/06/1910 310599 - 310611
23068. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 048 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 048 20/06/1910 - 22/06/1910 310612 - 310624
23069. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 049 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 049 22/06/1910 - 23/06/1910 310625 - 310637
23070. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 050 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 050 23/06/1910 - 25/06/1910 310638 - 310650
23071. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 051 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 051 27/06/1910 - 28/06/1910 310651 - 310663
23072. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 052 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 052 28/06/1910 - 30/06/1910 310664 - 310676
23073. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 053 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 053 30/06/1910 - 02/07/1910 310677 - 310689
23074. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 054 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 054 02/07/1910 - 04/07/1910 310690 - 310702
23075. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 055 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 055 04/07/1910 - 07/07/1910 310703 - 310715
23076. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 056 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 056 07/07/1910 310716 - 310728
23077. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 057 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 057 07/07/1910 - 09/07/1910 310729 - 310741
23078. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 058 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 058 09/07/1910 - 11/07/1910 310742 - 310754
23079. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 059 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 059 11/07/1910 - 14/07/1910 310755 - 310767
23080. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 060 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 060 17/07/1910 - 14/07/1910 310768 - 310780