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Results (36198)

Title Dates covered Burial numbers
23161. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 141 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 141 24/11/1910 311821 - 311833
23162. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 142 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 142 24/11/1910 - 25/11/1910 311834 - 311846
23163. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 143 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 143 25/11/1910 - 26/11/1910 311847 - 311859
23164. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 144 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 144 26/11/1910 - 28/11/1910 311860 - 311872
23165. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 145 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 145 28/11/1910 311873 - 311885
23166. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 146 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 146 28/11/1910 311886 - 311898
23167. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 147 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 147 29/11/1910 - 30/11/1910 311899 - 311911
23168. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 148 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 148 30/11/1910 - 01/12/1910 311912 - 311924
23169. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 149 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 149 01/12/1910 - 02/12/1910 311925 - 311937
23170. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 150 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 150 02/12/1910 311938 - 311950
23171. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 151 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 151 02/12/1910 - 03/12/1910 311951 - 311963
23172. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 152 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 152 03/12/1910 - 05/12/1910 311964 - 311976
23173. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 153 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 153 05/12/1910 311977 - 311989
23174. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 154 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 154 05/12/1910 - 06/12/1910 311990 - 312002
23175. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 155 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 155 07/12/1910 312003 - 312015
23176. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 156 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 156 07/12/1910 - 08/12/1910 312016 - 312028
23177. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 157 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 157 08/12/1910 - 09/12/1910 312029 - 312041
23178. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 158 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 158 09/12/1910 - 10/12/1910 312042 - 312054
23179. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 159 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 159 12/12/1910 312055 - 312067
23180. Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 160 Burial Register 63 - April 1910 to October 1911 - Page 160 12/12/1910 - 13/12/1910 312068 - 312080